1940 August
Den’en no utsushikata(How to Photograph the Countryside)
(Tokyo: ARS Photograph Library, #42)
Co-authored with Akio Shimomura, San-in no tabi (Travels in San-in)
(Tokyo: publishing department of ShakaiShisoKenkyukai)<Research Institute of Social Thought>)
1965 June
Co-authored with Masaaki Ueda, Camera Kiko: Izumo no Shinwa
(The Legend of Izumo: A photographic Travelogue)
(Kyoto: Tankosha).
1967 June
Co-authored with Tatsuya Naramoto, Oki
(Kyoto: Tankosha).
1971 April
Warabegoyomi (Children the Year Round),
the third volume of Eizo no gendai (The Present of Images)
(Tokyo: Chuo Koronsha).
1971 May
Co-authored with Takatoshi Ishizuka,Izumo-jiRyojo(Heart of Travelers in Izumo)
(Tokyo: The Asahi Shimbunsha).
1974 August
Ueda Shoji shoryokoshashincho–Oto no naiKioku
(Ueda Shoji Sketch Album - Memories without sound)
(Tokyo: Nihon Camera-sha)
1974 November
Co-authored with Masaaki Ueda, Izumo,
(Tokyo: Mainichi Newspapers)
1974 December
Co-authored with Yoshiaki Tono, IzumoTaisha(Izumo Shrine)
(Tokyo: Heibonsha).
Magazine Serialization:
“Ueda Shoji: shashinsaho (Ueda Shoji: Photography Techniques),”
Asahi Camera (January-December, 1974).
“Chisaidenki(A Piece of Life),”
Camera Mainichi (1974-1985, 12 series).
1978 April
Sakyu/Kodomo no Shiki (Dunes/Seasons of the Children),
(Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama Library #11, Asahi Sonorama)
1978 December
Co-authored with Taneichiro Kanto, Matsue
(Shimane: Broadcasting System in San-in).
Magazine Serialization:
“Amateur shokun! (You are all Amateurs!),”
Camera Mainichi (January to December, 1978).
1980 January
Shin IzumoFudoki(New IzumoFudoki), the fifth volume of Nihon no bi –gendai Nihon shashinzenshu
(Japanese Beauty – Collections of Japanese Modern Photographs)
(Tokyo: Shueisha).
1981 December
Ueda Shoji besu-tan shashincho: ShiroiKaze(Ueda Shoji, Photo Album: Brilliant Scenes)
(Tokyo: Nihon Camera-sha).
1983 June
Showa shashinzenshigoto 10: Ueda Shoji
(Anthology of the Photographers of the Showa Period, volume 10: Ueda Shoji)
(Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha).
1986 August
Sakyu (Dunes)
(Tokyo: Parco).
Private publication, Kido kaiki, Polaroid 35mm shashincho
(Ueda Shoji Polaroid 35mm Photo Album – Return to Orbit)
1992 February
Ueda Shoji to sononakama-tachi(Ueda Shoji and His Fellows)
1992 July
Ueda Shoji no shashin(Photographs by Ueda Shoji)
(East Japan Railway Culture Foundation).
1995 September
Shoji Ueda Photographs: (1930s- 1990s),
(Shoji Ueda Photography Art Foundation)
1995 October
Shoji Ueda (hito) tachi (Shoji Ueda - People)
(Tokyo: Parco).
Shoji Ueda (mono) tachi (Shoji Ueda - Things)
(Tokyo: Parco).
Ueda Shoji shashinshu(Ueda Shoji, Photographs)
Magazine Serialization:
“Inro Camera Album,” Asahi Camera (1995-1997; 36 series).
1997 November
Co-authored with Momoko Kuroda, Okunohosomichiwoiku (Travels along OkunoHosomichi)
(Tokyo: Shogakukan).
1998 December
NaganoShigeichi, Iizawa Kotaro, and Kinoshita Naoyukieds.
Nihon no shashinka 20: Ueda Shoji (Japanese Photographers, vol.20)
(Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten).
1999 February
Ueda Shoji and Kaneko Ryuichi, eds. Ueda Shoji: Watashi no shashinsaho,amateurshokun !
(Ueda Shoji: Photography Technique/ You are all Amateurs!)
(Kyoto: Korinsha).
2000 January
Collection l’oiseau rare SHOJI UEDA, texts by Gabriel Bauret
(Paris: FILIGRANES Editions)
2000 September
Ueda Shoji and Kaneko Ryuichi, eds., Ueda Shoji: watashi no shashinsaho
(Ueda Shoji: My Photography Technique)
(Tokyo: TBS Britannica)
2000 December
Co-authored with Kiyokazu Washida, Manazashi no Kioku–Dareka no Katawara de
(Memory of a Look – Besides Someone)
(Tokyo: TBS Britannica)
Major Awards:
The Photography Award at the second Nika Exhibition (September)
(Water in Shadow and Stakes in the Lake)
Cultural Merit Award on the 10th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Agency
for Cultural Affairsfrom the Japanese Government
Chevalier des arts et des Lettres from the government of France
The first Tottori Prefectural Award for Achievements of the Tottori Residents.
List of References:
Noriko Tsutatani, ed. A chronology published in the exhibition catalog of Photographs by Ueda Shoji
(Tokyo: East Japan Railway Culture Foundation, 1993).
Hiroo Ikegami, ed. A chronology published in 20 Japanese Photographers (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1998).